Eucoclean Anti-Bac 750ml

$7.95 (Inc GST)
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Eucoclean Anti-Bacterial 3-in-1 Cleaner 750ml 


EucoClean 3-in-1 Antibacterial cleaner is a 100% biodegradable Hospital Grade biocide that destroys 99.99% of germs on contact as it cleans grime and grease from soft or hard surfaces. The Antibacterial action of the 3-in-1 formula stays active on the surface for hours or until degraded with water. Use in the home or office on all hard and soft surfaces. Spray and allow to dry or spray and wipe for a sanitised clean surface leaving the scent of pure Eucalyptus Oil.

  • Disinfectant/Cleaner.
  • Airconditioner Purifier.
  • Destroys mould, fungus & mildew.
  • 100% Biodegradable, environmentally safe.

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